Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Freestyle For Life - A Novel by Latif Mercado

I took Yolanda from around the waist and kissed her on her cheek, then I positioned her to face the crowd, and she waved some more as girls from the crowd called out her name, and guys whistled. I asked for the audience's attention, and they quieted down. Then I turned to my beautiful manager. I looked her in the eyes as she tilted her head slightly trying to figure out what I was up to. Then her eyes widened and her head straightened. She got the idea when I suddenly stuck my hand into my jacket pocket.

An unexpected emotion began overcoming me, I couldn't believe what I was feeling, as if I was about to cry. I was choked up and thought that if I said something, I would crack. But it was too late now, I had to push through it. I sucked in the tears, Yolanda stared at me, her eyes too began to water and the muscles in her face pulled it into a smile. Her gorgeous whites illuminated her face like an angel.

For the first time ever, life seemed perfect. I looked at this incredible person standing in front of me, in disbelief that I was about to propose to her. My eyes quickly glanced to the side toward the audience, and there was Santos standing below at the foot of the stage.

He was smiling, and because he knew what was going to happen before it did, he seemed to feel a part of it. This would be a story he would tell for the rest of his life. I looked back at my soon to be, and said, "Yolanda Fuentes?" Her smile widened. "You have been an Angel to me. Not only in my career, but more importantly, my life."

I pulled out the small black ring box and held it in front of me. Yolanda's jaw dropped as I opened it. Her eyes went from the ring back up to me, she stared me in the eyes in a way that told me it would be a yes, and then suddenly her eyes shifted from my eyes to over my shoulder.

She screamed and before I could turn all the way around I felt a tremendous push from behind me. The ring box flew from my hand, I managed to keep my balance remaining on my feet when a second hit knocked me down. My arms were held behind me making it impossible to shield my face from the oncoming floor. All went black! ... Read More

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chicago, IL